Business terminology refers to words used to describe events that occur in the workplace, specific tasks and their results, and the objects and processes used to perform tasks. The more business terms you know, the better you will be at communicating important opinions and ideas to other members of your workplace.Recommended for these peopleI want to learn business terms!Job hunting students from springbecome a member of societyI want to take a quiz on business terms.I like the testI like quizzesAre you having trouble having a conversation with your uncle (boss)?With this one, you dont need a dictionary.A quiz app where you choose the meaning of business terms from 4 choices.You can learn the terms that businessmen need to know, from basics to advanced terms, used in meetings and business emails, in your free time while having fun.Learning business terminology will definitely be useful throughout your life.A collection of basic business terms. Would you like to learn trending words together?We are looking forward to having you come and visit us.Thank you for choosing our app from among the many available apps. Thank you very much.